Club News

The best sustainability projects from golf clubs

First awards as “Blossoming Golf Course”

15. October 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Increased use of solar energy on golf courses

8. October 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Golf club sustainably saves 5000 PET bottles

5. October 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

GC Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe receives UN Decade award

28. September 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Golf meets science – at GC Wörthsee

18. September 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Premiere: First time GEO day on a golf course

14. September 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Positive start for Blühpakt Bayern

19. August 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Feel nature – barefoot at GC Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe

22. July 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Haxterpark project wins DGV innovation prize

17. July 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

500 species in 24 hours

9. July 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

GEO day at GC Altötting: field research on the golf course

30. June 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

GC Herzogenaurach: Sport plus nature – a balancing act

28. June 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Social responsibility: Golfpark Aschheim sets standards

29. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

GC Würzburg: nutrient-poor grassland is gaining in importance

26. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

The Feldafing golf course as a refuge for wild bees

22. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

GC Oberfranken implements wildflower meadow campaign

18. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Unusual and distinctive: natural monuments on golf courses

8. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

The golf course as a park: Where trees provide strategy and visuals

4. May 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

The bee comes to life – this is how species protection works in golf

9. April 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

From 0 to 36: A little owl project causes a sensation

20. March 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Golf & Nature is mandatory at Leading Golf Clubs

12. March 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

Good feedback on the project “Habitable Golf Course”

10. March 2020/by adminGolfSustainable

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