Vision 2050: “Approach sustainability with an innovation mindset”6. March 2024/in interview, News, Special_Vision2050Read more
Golf without wildlife? Impossible2. March 2024/in animals, biodiversity, International News, NewsRead more
Halved CO₂ footprint at the heat hotspot25. February 2024/in best practices, CO² neutrality, International News, NewsRead more
Golf clothing from the beautiful Erzgebirge24. February 2024/in CO² neutrality, equipment, NewsRead more
Climate change causes rethinking in Italy’s golf scene19. February 2024/in climate change, Greenkeeping, International News, News, tourismRead more
Yamaha presents hydrogen-powered golf cart12. February 2024/in CO² neutrality, equipment, Industry, NewsRead more
All you need to know: Red List and golf8. February 2024/in biodiversity, GolfBiodivers, International News, News, Special basic knowledge, Special basic knowledgeRead more
The topic of sustainability at the PGA Show 20241. February 2024/in equipment, International News, NewsRead more
Claire Poole: “Action at scale is needed”30. January 2024/in interview, News, Special_Vision2050, Vision 2050Read more
Eyes open for the red kite29. January 2024/in animals, Bavaria, biodiversity, Hesse, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Lexicon: Social sustainability golf17. January 2024/in Gender, Gender and inclusion, inclusion, News, Social sustainabilityRead more
Europe’s golf scene wrestles for water16. January 2024/in climate change, News, professional golf, Special extreme weather, waterRead more
The biodiversity lexicon: Everything about species diversity11. January 2024/in biodiversity, Flower Pact Bavaria, Habitat golf course, Hesse, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Hessian Golf Association: Expansion of the project Habitat Golf Course31. December 2023/in Habitat golf course, Hesse, NewsRead more
Germany’s golf weather 2023 in a north-south comparison27. December 2023/in Bavaria, best practices, climate change, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Vision 2050: Let’s talk about grass13. December 2023/in Greenkeeping, interview, News, Special_Vision2050Read more
Registration phase for Blühpakt Bayern 2024 starts11. December 2023/in Bavaria, Flower Pact Bavaria, NewsRead more
Pesticides in the EU: We will not go on like this7. December 2023/in Greenkeeping, International News, News, PesticidesRead more
Social sustainability in golf could be improved30. November 2023/in News, Social sustainabilityRead more
Yes to environmental and species protection – but no costs please28. November 2023/in biodiversity, CO² neutrality, News, quality, waterRead more
Vision 2050: The future of golf is positive24. November 2023/in News, Special_Vision2050, Vision 2050Read more
CO2 golf calculator determines key points for more climate protection21. November 2023/in Bavaria, CO² neutrality, NewsRead more
Next round in EU debate on pesticide ban19. November 2023/in Greenkeeping, News, quality, Rules & LawsRead more
Golf and Biodiversity: More habitats for bats5. November 2023/in animals, Bavaria, biodiversity, Habitat golf course, NewsRead more
Leading Golf Clubs: Exchange of knowledge in greenkeeping25. October 2023/in Greenkeeping, Leading Golf Clubs, NewsRead more
Increase resilience to extreme weather with golf course design21. October 2023/in climate change, Golf course design, News, Special basic knowledge, Special extreme weather, Special basic knowledgeRead more
Ping Europe focuses on green energy transition with solar power16. October 2023/in Energy, Industry, NewsRead more
Project “Blütenbunt-Insektenreich” also applies to golf courses13. October 2023/in biodiversity, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Clutter helps insects hibernate7. October 2023/in Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, best practices, biodiversity, Hesse, News, Schleswig Holstein, animalsRead more
Marcel Siem: Back to shorter courses and shaping the ball30. September 2023/in CO² neutrality, interview, News, professional golf, Special_Vision2050, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Benjes hedge promotes biodiversity on the golf course17. September 2023/in Bavaria, biodiversity, Hesse, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
DP World Tour launches net-zero tv production14. September 2023/in CO² neutrality, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Green Days held in Germany for the first time13. September 2023/in Hamburg, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
DGV develops principles for climate-friendly golf facilities13. September 2023/in CO² neutrality, NewsRead more
Royal Dornoch: “All we ever did was mow the grass that was there”.9. September 2023/in climate change, News, Special_Vision2050Read more
The sheep becomes a crowd favourite in golf6. September 2023/in animals, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Greenkeeping, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Net Zero Targets: Reduction before offsetting2. September 2023/in CO² neutrality, Golf & Science, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Tyrolean golf club implements international green kids event17. August 2023/in Austria, NewsRead more
Environmental education on the golf course12. August 2023/in Bavaria, biodiversity, Flower Pact Bavaria, golf and nature, NewsRead more
Women’s Scottish Open receives GEO sustainability certificate6. August 2023/in CO² neutrality, International News, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
For Environment Minister Glauber, the Blühpakt is a success story2. August 2023/in Bavaria, NewsRead more
GolfBiodivers: Solutions sought against the biodiversity crisis31. July 2023/in News, Schleswig Holstein, GolfBiodiversRead more
“Just because you can’t do everything, doesn’t mean you can’t do anything”30. July 2023/in climate change, International News, interview, News, waterRead more
The Open: GreenLink’s program expanded24. July 2023/in International News, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Golf and drought: Is the grass still alive?13. July 2023/in Greenkeeping, News, Special extreme weatherRead more
GolfBiodivers study officially launched6. July 2023/in Bavaria, Golf & Science, GolfBiodivers, News, Schleswig Holstein, GolfBiodiversRead more
Syngenta study a wake-up call for the golf industry30. June 2023/in Communication, Golf & Science, News, Social sustainability, waterRead more
“When it comes to water, each golf club is responsible for itself”29. June 2023/in News, waterRead more
Green Drive at British Masters focuses on fun factor23. June 2023/in CO² neutrality, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Golf and biodiversity: What is a stepping stone biotope?19. June 2023/in Bavaria, biodiversity, Hesse, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Indian knapweed – an invasive species12. June 2023/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, biodiversity, Greenkeeping, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Valderrama’s change program in water management7. June 2023/in best practices, Greenkeeping, International News, interview, News, Special Top 100 places, tourism, waterRead more
Social sustainability is becoming increasingly important for golf clubs5. June 2023/in News, Social sustainabilityRead more
Al Zorah: A golf club and the world of mangroves30. May 2023/in best practices, biodiversity, Greenkeeping, International News, News, tourismRead more
Container with golf ball donations travels around the world9. May 2023/in best practices, Industry, News, plastic, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
Golf and politics: partners on the subject of biodiversity4. May 2023/in biodiversity, Habitat golf course, Hesse, NewsRead more
Golfresort Schloss Pichlarn focuses on sustainable transformation1. May 2023/in News, tourismRead more
Golf courses promote meadow orchards as habitat26. April 2023/in biodiversity, Habitat golf course, Hesse, NewsRead more
EcoAthlete Mackova: Much potential for environmental protection in golf21. April 2023/in climate change, NewsRead more
Vandalism in golf: Water also the issue in Switzerland20. April 2023/in climate change, Communication, NewsRead more
Registration deadline for South German Bee Week17. April 2023/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, biodiversity, Flower Pact Bavaria, Habitat golf course, NewsRead more
Climate change: golf needs communication15. April 2023/in climate change, Communication, News, Special basic knowledgeRead more
US Masters and Ecology: The Great Silence4. April 2023/in International News, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
EcoAthletes golfer Rebecca Becht: “I’m definitely the exotic one”.24. March 2023/in climate change, News, professional golfRead more
Europe’s golf scene wrestles for water21. March 2023/in climate change, News, professional golf, waterRead more
Circular economy with the golf ball18. March 2023/in best practices, golf and nature, Industry, NewsRead more