The Achental Golf : Creating habitats with water21. December 2023/in Bavaria, Club News, golf and nature, waterRead more
Yes to environmental and species protection – but no costs please28. November 2023/in biodiversity, CO² neutrality, News, quality, waterRead more
White stork appreciates golf course as habitat5. March 2023/in animals, biodiversity, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
GolfBiodivers: 64 golf clubs for more biodiversity20. January 2023/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, biodiversity, Golf & Science, GolfBiodivers, Hamburg, Hesse, News, North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig Holstein, GolfBiodiversRead more
Biodiversity a strong theme for the Schleswig-Holstein Golf Association17. January 2023/in News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
“Golf & Nature” trend-setting in Schleswig-Holstein25. February 2022/in golf and nature, News, Schleswig HolsteinRead more
Red-listed species often found on golf courses23. February 2022/in biodiversity, Habitat golf course, NewsRead more
How does the golfer react to the topic of climate change?16. November 2021/in Bavaria, Flower Pact Bavaria, golf and nature, NewsRead more
Glauber honours facilities as a “blossoming golf course”13. November 2021/in Bavaria, Flower Pact Bavaria, golf and nature, NewsRead more
Golf & Nature is supported by Blühpakt Bayern16. September 2021/in Bavaria, Flower Pact Bavaria, golf and nature, NewsRead more
Use e-charging stations as a plus point for golf courses9. September 2021/in Bavaria, best practices, NewsRead more
GC Heidelberg-Lobenfeld: meeting the red kite27. August 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Club News, Habitat golf courseRead more
GC Sinsheim: on the trail of lizards12. August 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Club News, Habitat golf courseRead more
Stuttgart GC: Top sport and nature conservation in harmony10. August 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Club News, golf and nature, Greenkeeping, Habitat golf courseRead more
CC Schloss Langenstein: Water management as main topic8. August 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Club News, golf and nature, Habitat golf courseRead more
GC Memmingen: Entry into “Golf and Nature”2. August 2021/in Bavaria, Club News, Flower Pact Bavaria, golf and natureRead more
Protection of species on the first tee31. July 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Club News, golf and nature, Habitat golf course, News, animalsRead more
GC Bad Rappenau focuses on nature awareness29. July 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, biodiversity, Club News, Habitat golf courseRead more
Natural monuments on three golf courses25. July 2021/in Baden-Wuerttemberg, golf and nature, Habitat golf course, NewsRead more
GC Altötting wants to break the 1000 species limit18. July 2021/in Bavaria, biodiversity, golf and natureRead more
Premiere: First time GEO day on a golf course14. September 2020/in Bavaria, biodiversity, Club News, golf and nature, NewsRead more