Sibling project: Bee calendar 2021
“That’s my children’s thing,” says Ralph Dörnte, referring to the 2021 bee calendar that he recently sent me to look at. Dörnte is well known in the German golf scene – with his Par Verlag he publishes the golf calendar every year, which shines with first-class golf photos. His children Philip, Christoph and Sophie are in a way familiar with the calendar business – just as they are with the game of golf. Together with father Ralph they play at GC Hardenberg .
Now that the father also runs four beehives in the home garden, the kids have now brought a bee calendar onto the market for the first time, which is available on the website for 19.95 euros in Din A3 or 12.95 euros in the small square one version is available. The idea came to them during the lockdown. Since then, the photos have been taken, sorted out and viewed with their own SLR camera continuously throughout the year.
The siblings’ approach: they would like to do their part to prevent bee mortality. That’s why a small sachet of flower seeds is sent free of charge with the flower seeds. “It’s good for the bees when the flowers bloom and they find food in the gardens or balcony boxes,” Philip explained to a reporter from his local newspaper in Moringen, which has already reported on the young people’s initiative.
Ten cents from the sale of each calendar go to the “Blooming Landscape” project . The siblings also boost sales of the calendars via their Instagram account. And: They have also compiled detailed information about the bee year on their website. So a lot of commitment from the three siblings, which resulted in the 2021 bee calendar. A pretty successful Corona project.