
Background reports, portraits and news on the topic of sustainability and golf


EcoAthletes golfer Inja Fric: “I am the sustainability girl”.

15. February 2023/by Petra Himmel
Blick auf den Golfplatz und Zelte bei der WM Phoenix Open

WM Phoenix Open: The greenest show in the world

9. February 2023/by adminGolfSustainable
Golfer vor blauem Himmel beim Abschlag. Eine CO₂-Berechnung weist auf die Frage des CO₂-Fußabdrucks eines Golfers hin.

CO2 and golf: What is the footprint?

4. February 2023/by Petra Himmel
Blühwiese vor dem Clubhaus des GC Olching

BGV extends bloom pact with Ministry of the Environment

31. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
Solarpaneelen vor der Skyline von Dubai, die zur Energieversorgung beim Rolex Event der DP World Tour unter dem Projekt Green Drive laufen und für mehr Nachhaltigkeit sorgen sollen.

Good start for Green Drive of DP World Tour at Rolex Events

30. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
Golfspieler mit einem blauen Golfhemd, das nachhaltig hergestellt wurde.

Sustainable Golf Fashion: Fair Fashion from Reflo

27. January 2023/by Robert Frank
Greenkeeper beim Versprühen eines Insektizids auf einer Pflanze

EU pesticide ban delayed for now

27. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
Pflanze mit Schmetterlingen

“Golf course habitat” project to be expanded in Hesse, Germany.

23. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
Bunte Blumenwiese mit Mohnblumen und blauem Himmel

GolfBiodivers: 64 golf clubs for more biodiversity

20. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
An oystercatcher walks next to a bunker rake along a golf bunker and demonstrates, who big is biodiversity on golf courses in Schleswig-Holstein

Biodiversity a strong theme for the Schleswig-Holstein Golf Association

17. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
Blick auf das Clubhaus von Carnoustie bei Dämmerung

Carnoustie Golf Links relies on sustainability manager

16. January 2023/by Robert Frank
Mädchen fügt die genauen Loch-Ergebnisse beim Scoreboard eines Golf-Turniers ein.

PGA and DP World Tour: 2023 the year of CO2 counting

12. January 2023/by Petra Himmel
A Husqvarna CEORA mower is cutting the grass on a golf course.

Robotic mowers herald trend reversal in Germany

9. January 2023/by Petra Himmel

Whinchat appreciates the golf course as a breeding ground

29. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

Golf and e-mobility – a hot topic for 2023

27. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

Happy Christmas

23. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

COP 15: Agreement reached on species protection

20. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

Golf course habitat a success project for BWGV

15. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

For top golf clubs, the plastic bottle becomes taboo

7. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

Severe weather: building resilience and securing it properly

4. December 2022/by Petra Himmel

Prevention of plastic waste top issue for German golfers

29. November 2022/by Petra Himmel

Greenkeeping with minimal input for top quality

28. November 2022/by Petra Himmel

Austria’s greenkeepers discuss future issues

24. November 2022/by Petra Himmel

The weatherman from Kauai

24. November 2022/by Petra Himmel

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