CO₂ footprint: Key facts for golf clubs21. September 2024/in climate change, CO² neutrality, News, Special basic knowledgeRead more
Net Zero Targets: Reduction before offsetting2. September 2023/in CO² neutrality, Golf & Science, News, professional golf, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
CO2 and golf: Kick-off for the golf calculator17. February 2023/in Bavaria, CO² neutrality, NewsRead more
CO2 and golf: What is the footprint?4. February 2023/in CO² neutrality, Golf & Science, News, Special basic knowledgeRead more
Marcel Siem wants to become a CO₂-neutral golf pro1. June 2022/in CO² neutrality, International News, News, Speczial Professional GolfRead more
CO₂ footprint: GC Neuhof calculates emissions14. May 2022/in climate change, Club News, CO² neutrality, HesseRead more
Sentosa Golf Club wants to become CO2 neutral24. June 2020/in CO² neutrality, International NewsRead more