IAGTO sustainability awards go to 5 golf courses
Five golf courses have been recognized for their achievements on sustainability issues at the 2021 IAGTO Sustainability Awards. Minthis Golf Club in Cyprus received the award for ” Outstanding Contribution to Sustainability.” Efforts to save energy and water played a particularly important role here.
The Royal Wellington Golf Club in New Zealand received the ” Nature Protection Award“. In a five-year plan, the facility pushed through a significant expansion of its natural areas and enlarged them by a total of 25 percent.
The “Resource Efficiency Award” went to the Portuguese resort of Quinta do Lago, which completely converted its cart fleet to e-carts, optimized the irrigation of the courts and worked with local authorities on the use of renewable energies.
The Scottish resort Gleneagles received the “Community Value Award” for implementing environmentally friendly logistics for the 5-star hotel with local companies. In addition, they are very involved in charity.
Carnoustie Golf Links has won the Climate Action Award . The facility, which has hosted the Open Championships among other events, has reduced its emissions by 26% since 2018. This was achieved, among other things, by integrating hybrid and electric mowers and by significantly reducing the area mown.
The IAGTO Sustainability Awards are presented annually. However, only golf courses that participate in the program of GEO, Europe’s largest certifier, are allowed to participate. For example, facilities in the USA, where the GEO program hardly plays a role, are just as excluded as the majority of German facilities that are involved in the Golf & Nature certification program. This must be taken into account when evaluating the price.