
Background reports, portraits and news on the topic of sustainability and golf

Foto von Niels Dokkuma knieend auf einem Grün

Vision 2050: Let’s talk about grass

13. December 2023/by Petra Himmel

Registration phase for Blühpakt Bayern 2024 starts

11. December 2023/by Petra Himmel

Pesticides in the EU: We will not go on like this

7. December 2023/by Petra Himmel
Illustration of two golfers

Yes to environmental and species protection – but no costs please

28. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
Zwei Japankäfer sitzen auf einem grünen Blatt

Japanese beetle and tipula: invasive species cause problems

27. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
Schriftzug Vision 2050

Vision 2050: The future of golf is positive

24. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
ein paar weiß Fußabdrücke im Gras

CO2 golf calculator determines key points for more climate protection

21. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
EU Flagge mit der Aufschrift No pesticides?

Next round in EU debate on pesticide ban

19. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
Jumeirah Golf Estates Loch 18

More golf courses operate without overseeding

16. November 2023/by Petra Himmel

Fashion from European hands

15. November 2023/by Robert Frank

Looking to the future with an eye on the past

10. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
bat on a golfball

Golf and Biodiversity: More habitats for bats

5. November 2023/by Petra Himmel
Blick auf den Dunes Course von Costa Navarino

Environmental award goes to Costa Navarino

27. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Blick in das Auditorium beim Herbstworkshop der Leading Golf Clubs

Leading Golf Clubs: Exchange of knowledge in greenkeeping

25. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Collage aus mehreren Golfplatzbildern

Increase resilience to extreme weather with golf course design

21. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Hagelkörner auf einem Golfplatz

Extreme weather in Germany on the rise

19. October 2023/by Robert Frank
Blick auf

Ping Europe focuses on green energy transition with solar power

16. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Collage aus mehreren Wiesenfotos

Project “Blütenbunt-Insektenreich” also applies to golf courses

13. October 2023/by Petra Himmel

Plastic free and wood based fashion

10. October 2023/by Robert Frank

Clutter helps insects hibernate

7. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Collage von verschiedenen Müllbildern

Luxury tourism + recycling: How to reduce waste

4. October 2023/by Petra Himmel
Marcel Siem in geblümtem Shirt auf dem Golfplatz

Marcel Siem: Back to shorter courses and shaping the ball

30. September 2023/by Petra Himmel
Abschlag auf dem Golfplatz Jack's Point in Neuseeland

Sustainable Golf Week puts nature in the spotlight

28. September 2023/by Petra Himmel

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