GC Husumer Bucht creates innovative energy solution
Creativity, a desire for innovation, and the motivation to move their own golf club forward without huge expense: With these three qualities, the team at GC Husumer Bucht has succeeded in installing an island photovoltaic system and improving the quality of play with a robotic mower. The 18-hole golf course, which also participates in the German Golf Association’s Golf and Nature certification and is also supported here by the Schleswig-Holstein Golf Association, wants to set accents in terms of sustainability while improving the playing experience for members and guests.
Targeted innovation
As the 2023 season draws to a close, club manager Florian Fleischmann and head greenkeeper Marten Schurig are excited about their latest project, which solved many problems for the Husum golf facility. “For more than ten years, there have been discussions here about how to implement a power supply on the golf course,” Fleischmann explains. “Currently, it would have cost us about 10,000 euros.” At GC Husumer Bucht, however, investments are handled very carefully. The previous power supply in an old courtyard building was inadequate anyway, and even improving it had strained the budget.
Self-sufficient island photovoltaic system centrally located on the course
The new solution, which golfers can now observe centrally between holes 1, 18, 3,4,5 and 6, consists of a so-called island photovoltaic system with storage. The compact photovoltaic system creates 5.1 kWp, and the storage package adds another 3.1 kWp. Since the technology of the storage tank is equipped for stand-alone systems, the system remains in stand-by even when no electricity is being generated. The cost of the ensemble, which weighs around 300 kilograms, is firmly anchored in the ground by ground pegs and has already weathered the first storms on the coast without any problems, was around 5,000 euros. A technician was not necessary. Club manager Fleischmann and greenkeeper Schurig were able to independently install and commission the system, which has no power connections of any kind.
Now it supplies the Husqvarna robotic mower that the GC Husumer Bucht used on a test basis this season. However, the results were so pleasing that two more robots plus accessories have since been ordered. “We expect to be able to mow all 18 fairways with the three robots,” Fleischmann notes. By installing the power supply at the best access point on the golf course, he said, travel distances for the robot have been significantly reduced, which ultimately translates into higher mowing performance and lower energy requirements.
Project motivates membership
In addition, the cutting pattern for golfers has improved significantly, according to club officials. The fairways are mowed to a cutting height of 20 millimeters, and the golfers are thrilled, he says. “We are finding that the complete project is getting a lot of positive feedback from many members and is increasing interest in sustainable solutions,” Fleischmann sums up. “Already, several members have agreed to donate money to similar projects.” For example, the craftsman company that is currently installing a larger photovoltaic system with an output of 30 kWp on the driving range building only charges the club for the cost of materials. Manager Fleischmann notes a really “positive push of participation” within the club. “It’s really very interesting the momentum the whole project has created.”