One with nature

We play golf in and with the environment. Sustainability is therefore the number 1 topic.

How sustainable is golf – an inventory

Golf is a sport that consumes and requires resources on the one hand, but can also have a lot of positive effects on the other. Both in the area of environmental protection, nature and animal protection as well as in the social area. The question that we primarily want to answer with Golf Sustainable is: where does golf stand in terms of sustainability?

Golf is far more affected by the issue of sustainability than many other sports.

On the one hand, every golf course is a sports arena in a natural environment that is shaped by grass, water, earth, wind and weather. If these coordinates change, the sport also changes. On the other hand: If we change this sports arena, we also influence the other coordinates – the water consumption, for example, or the appearance of the grass.

On the other hand, golf is also part of social structures and societies. Anyone who talks about sustainability must also consider issues such as working environments in the golf business, equality, inclusion of all nationalities or gender. And: Sustainability in golf also means that the influence of golf on its social and societal environment must be of a positive nature.

The topic of sustainability has also been gaining in importance in golf for a number of years. The aim of Golf Sustainable is to provide a platform on which information on the subject can be collected. We focus on Europe and Northern America. At the same time, it is also important for us to take a look beyond the borders to get to know examples from all countries. How are Arizona greenkeepers dealing with water shortages? To what extent do Scottish links golf courses preserve important stretches of coastline? What effect do golf courses have on bee protection in Tyrol, Ticino or Bavaria? How can golfers and golf courses learn from experiences from other projects?

Sustainability is not only considered from the aspect of “environment” but also includes several aspects:

  • How does golf use resources?
  • What influence does golf or a golf course have on the people and society around it?
  • How is golf reacting to the challenges and new circumstances resulting from climate change?
  • To what extent does a golf course, tournament or golf project take account of gender, age or racial equality?

Sustainability is therefore a very comprehensive and far-reaching field, the treatment of which is only in its infancy internationally. The exchange of information and communication are thus becoming essential factors that promote the further development of the topic.

Your story! Tell us about your projects and ideas about biodiversity, sustainability, environmental protection on your golf course.


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Golf courses exist, according to the R&A’s “Golf Around the World Report.”


249 countries worldwide reported playing golf there

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