OPEN.9, the golf and event location on the outskirts of Munich, has once again been recognized as part of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact. The aim of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is to improve the ecological, economic and social foundations for current and future generations. Companies that are voluntarily committed to environmental and climate protection are honored under the motto “Strengthening the environment and the economy together”. Open.9 is actively committed to sustainability in various areas – from energy efficiency and waste avoidance to sustainable procurement, environmentally friendly mobility and the natural design of outdoor facilities. Employees and customers are also sensitized to the issue of climate protection.
Thanks to consistent sustainable measures, Open.9 2024 was once again able to exceed the minimum number of points required for the award with the restaurant.9. Important steps in this process include the detailed recording and reduction of resource consumption, the use of environmentally friendly operating resources, the energy-efficient design of buildings and outdoor areas and the use of electric vehicles.
Managing Director Daniela Schön-Horder emphasizes: “Even small changes have a big impact. Avoiding disposable paper cups, using organic and fair trade products, a seasonal menu with vegetarian and vegan dishes, environmentally friendly packaging and consumables, switching to electric hand dryers and giving preference to regional suppliers are just a few examples. Every contribution counts.” The OPEN.9 team is once again looking forward to this year’s annual day of action with a golf tournament and exhibition of sustainable, regional products from the district. This year’s event will take place on Sunday, July 13, 2025.
In addition to the current award, the golf course already bears the seal of the German Golf Association’s Golf and Nature program. Two years ago, the company was also recognized for its commitment to species diversity and biodiversity by Bavaria’s Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber as part of the “Blühpakt Bayern”.
Another innovative step towards environmental protection since last year is the use of autonomous lawn mowers for golf course maintenance. These are characterized by low energy consumption, reduced noise pollution and the absence of diesel, in addition to many other advantages for the game. In the long term, Open.9 is pursuing the ambitious goal of operating the entire golf and event location in a climate-neutral manner.